Are you Lost too?

Someone tell me you watch "Lost," and that you saw tonight's episode. It was a 2-hour recap for people who are just catching up, which is probably everyone. I don't see how you could completely follow this show. Anywayz, I'm trying and it's fun. Tonight the told the story behind the African guy.. what's his name? Ecko, probably not spelled that way. He's a good guy turned bad guy turned good guy. He has the best background story so far. I'm still wondering how he ended up on the plane that went down and what the odds are that he'd find his brother and friends from a different plane wreck. Here's what I think is REALLY going to happen. Even though he found that necklace on the body, I think that it's possible that his brother is alive. Mainly because of those religious symbols on the island..
But what was up with the black smoke beast? What the hell was that? And what's up with Anna-Lucia and the doctor? And why do I say I enjoy this show when it leaves me so confused? They answer one question and leave you with three more.
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