Down with Coke, up with Hope!

Soft Drink Syrup Beast Coca-Cola tried to squeeze the competition out of Raquel Chavez’s shop in Mexico City, Mexico and got slapped with $68 million in fines. When Chavez started carrying a cheaper cola brand out of Peru called Big Cola, Coke’s sales rep told her to remove them from her stores or he would stop selling her Coke products. "I told them [Coca-Cola], 'you can't refuse to sell to me, that's unconstitutional',” Ms Chavez told BBC News. "I didn't really know if it was unconstitutional, but I said it anyway."
I like this lady. She thought it sounded unfair and reported them to the Mexican competition authorities three years ago. Her complaints brought $13 million in fines, and then Pepsi brought a parallel complaint that led to another $53 million. Of course, Coca-Cola will appeal and get the fines reduced, but it’s good to see someone fighting back, especially in grimy Mexico City. Chavez even said that she was surprised she won because people get away with everything in Mexico. She hopes that people will start to stand up for themselves more as a result.
I’m really glad this went down, and wonder if I can post a consumer complaint. I only have love for Pepsi, and it really annoys me when I go into a “convenience” store that’s conveniently stocked nothing but Coke products. What about my right to choose? In fact, last June a European Union investigation found that Coke’s exclusive contracts stifled competition and made them end all exclusive agreements. Serves them right. But I must admit that Cherry Coke is a lovable product. And that lime in the coconut ad is kinda cute too.
I just wish that Pepsi would have one original idea. First comes cherry coke, then wild cherry pepsi. Next comes coke w/ lemon and w/ lime, pepsi answers back. Vanilla Coke --> Vanilla Pepsi.
All I'm saying Pepsico is, put some chips on the table and raise them something.
If exclusive contracts become illegal, then what will happen in sports arenas? They always have one vendor.
That's a good point, Pepsi doesn't develop ground breaking products often, but it's not that they haven't tried. Weren't they the brand that had clear cola? I think they lost kinda big there. And I think Mountain Dew Live Wire is pretty good- I heart orange. Although it makes me feel like I'm drinking straight food coloring.
I think a vendor will always be able to choose to carry only one brand. And brands like Coke and Pepsi may always be able to sign exclusive agreements, here in the States. That's just the American way. But strong arming shopkeepers and forcing them to carry only you or not at all is unethical.
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