Stop Democracy Now

The Palestinian elections just go to show that you can lead militants to democracy, but you can't stop them from winning elections. In an almost comical twist, Hamas won the majority of the seats in the Palestinian parliament. It's kinda hard for me to buy into the "Islamic militant radical movement" modifier that is always attached to "Hamas" in US news articles. I mean, I'm thinking it should be "political party Hamas".. right? They's got democracy now. But, don't get me wrong, I understand how gangsta Hamas is and that the last thing they want to do is make peace with Isreal.
What's not funny is the riots or " burning of cars and firing of guns" that's taking place as a result of the elections. [First of all, if they burn ONE car in East LA it's a damn riot. These people start burning and shooting in the streets and it's a "protest". Whatever.] CNN and news sources say that the Fatah party, which only won a wee bit of the seats in Parliament, are pissed about being under Hamas leadership. People are fighting and shooting each other in heated arguments. That's the part of democracy that the Bush administration forgets to mention when they're selling it. Oh, and by the way, sometimes in democracy people you hate win elections and get to make all of the rules and set policies that you don't believe in. You've gotta wake up pretty early in the morning to assure that your party ALWAYS wins. What you have to do is keep proving to the people that their vote means nothing, and eventually they'll stop participating in politics.
Or maybe this was all thought out.. hmm, Let's help create a Palestinian state and then when the wrong party gains control.. Guess who has to come in and "keep peace" and assure that the country isn't "tolerating, supporting or harboring terrorists." When a regime threatens Isreal.. Who ya gonna call? Clever.. very clever.
Silly Fatah party...they should have taken a few Republican notes and learned how to steal an election fair and square...then everybody else in the world (cept Russia and Hamas of course) would have been happy! lol...VIVE LE DEMOCROCY!
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