Kanye Cries for White Girl

According to the grapevine, Kanye West went on the air at Toronto's Flow 93.5 hip hop station and complained about the way they censor his new song "Gold Digger." (Isn't that the hottest song on the radio??) Anyway, in Canada they bleep the words "white girl" and leave the word "ass" in the line "And when he gets on he'll leave yo ass for a white girl." Go 'head girl, go 'head git down.. Go 'head girl go 'head git down... Sorry, I love that song.
Anyway, Kanye tried to discuss this collegially. He insisted that the program director stop editing his song that way, but the DJ kept cutting him off. The DJ thought it was funny, but according to witnesses, Kanyeeze wasn't haven't it, got upset and bounced. But before leaving, he pulled his pants down and pissed in the sound booth!
Naw, I made that part up. See, that's how rumors get started. Someone was probably in a chat room saying, "Ciara looks like a man doesn't she?" Then someone else was all like, "I heard she admitted to having a penis removed!" Then someone else was like, "Was that on 106 & Park?" See, and all of a sudden the rumor is created. Anyway, everything except for the pissing part (which would have been really gangsta) is supposedly true.
My question is why do you think they would take objection to him saying white girl? Do white people prefer to be called Caucasian Canadians in Canada? That's like the funniest part of the song. If I wrote something that clever and someone edited it, I'd be a lil upset too. What other terms could Kanye have used.. he'll leave your ass for a: snowflake? a Becky?
By the way, Militant Black Toast does not condone calling white chicks out of their names. But snowflake is funny and the censors may not pick up on that.
I'd like to add a recently coined term the crew is currently using for them...
"Casper"s ... as in white boo's...
u can go on ahead n run w/ that just remember where u heard it first...
I heard that Canadians don't consider themselves white. Since they are a more liberal country, they prefer to hold on to their identity or country of origin. Perhaps, they thought white girl would corrupt their equally immigrant society. I wonder if they can play songs that say latina or black girl on the radio?
Did you know that 35 per cent of all music aired each week on all Canadian radio stations must be "Canadian content?"
What self promoting jerks!
To be considered Canadian content a song must fall within four catagories. These catagories have the acronym M.A.P.L. (Like maple syrup, GET IT? They love pancakes up there [and beer.]) M.A.P.L. stands for:
M (music) - the music is composed entirely by a Canadian.
A (artist) - the music and/or the lyrics are performed principally by a Canadian.
P (production) - live performance that is performed wholly in Canada and broadcast live in Canada.
L (lyrics) - the lyrics are written entirely by a Canadian.
Jesus, that was boring.
Anyway, my point is, fuck. I forgot my point. Oh well, new point: Canadians sure are funny.
Also, Strange Brew is a quality movie.
That's not the first time that Kanye's lyrics have been censored like that. On his song "All Fall Down" when he says "And the white man get paid off of all of that", MTV bleeped out "white man".
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