The Greatest Hallmark Holiday

Man, I just love me some Valentine's Day. If you don't then you need more love in your life. My mom used to always get me a Valentine's Day gift, maybe it's her fault that I love it so much... Tell me why you love or hate this day. Let's discuss the best and worst gifts or dates..
Here are some of mine:
Worst gift: 5th Grade, I'd say this was the first time I had a valentine. This kid gave me the biggest bag of those chalky hearts you've ever seen. I'm talking at least a pound. Not knowing protocol, I felt inclined to eat them all. It made me so sick and the next time I went to the dentist I had a cavity. Aww.. young love.
Worst date: Gee, sometime in high school maybe around 97? My cheap-ass boyfriend took me to a really nice restaurant and couldn't pay the fucking bill. Not to mention, we had cut corners by splitting entrees. I had to pay and drive. No doubt, my gift was wack cause I can't even remember what he got me. Loser.
Best gift: It's freshman year in high school and this organization at school has started a valentine's day service where they'll deliver balloons and roses to your sweetie during class. Yay! So, I got a rose around 1st period from someone anonymous. Then later I got balloons. Yay! I'm carrying around my trophy balloons, because you weren't fly if no one gave you any.. and my boyfriend's friends start coming up to me like, where'd you get those? I was like, in class, why? They were like, dude didn't get those for you! Apparently his friends had seen my gift and balloons. Long story short.. since I didn't know who gave me the roses and balloons -still don't to this day- dude didn't get upset. And he gave me a lovely gold ring at lunch.. plus the biggest collection of balloons in the damn universe.. I could have floated away by the end of the day. lol. I had soo many balloons.. i'm laughing my ass off right now at the image of it all. Same dude had a more adult Valentine's Day with me around senior year and bought an even better gift.. also a gold ring with elephants all around. For anyone wondering, he ended up hating me and we're lucky to say "hi" if we see each other..
Best date: Man, this is tough... The best date has to go to the guy who had the best Valentine's night "performance." The details are a more than a little X-Rated. But no doubt, it has to go to the current love of my life- or else we wouldn't be together. And he's one of the few guys who actually celebrates Valentine's Day like he means it.
OK- somebody better tell me something..
Okay, I'm writing because you asked..but honestly I hate the day. I haven't found someone yet to make me like it. I guess it's like being a freak (or so I've been told), you just need that one guy to turn you out.
I always end up with the loser that weeks ahead starts telling me how it's a made up I know not to expect anything.
A card would be nice though. ASS!
Since I'ma dude
I'ma tell my wackest moment...
6th grade I am introduced to the whole "candy gram" concept. But I didn't get the part about you write in it give it back and they my shy ass takes the card writes in it and adds two packs of those 25 cent chewing gums. and gives it to the girl at the end of school and haul ass to my car. Little did I know that I wouldn't have had to waste my money on the candy nor deal with the extreme case of "asshole-tightness" b/c they woulda delivered it for me....boy that was wack of me
I guess I've never really had a super exciting valentine's day either. I suppose the best gift I ever got was in the 11th grade from my at the time boyfriend. He was long distance for high school (a whole 25 minutes away) and he had recently gotten in trouble for running his phone bill up too high. So he had been warning me that he was going to have to make some changes. I was so worried that he was going to break up with me for valentine's day because he wasn't making enough money as a dishwasher to pay his phone bill. He ended up getting me the cliche roses, candy, and a locket with our names engraved in it. it was really cute of him.
However, we followed that the following year by giving me a Minnie Mouse doll holding a soccer ball that he picked up from Disney World on a trip he took during valentine's day. He couldn't even call a sister on the day of, and then we broke up like 2 weeks later.
I got stories for days...
but my wackest valentines had to be last year. I had been kicking it with this dude, but we hadn't really been speaking since like Oct. So he calls me 6 times on valentine's day to see what I'm doing, asking me how many flowers I got and where I'm going later, yadda yadda. I kept telling him nothing, but thought that I was hiding something. I actually didn't have any plans, I just stayed home with my roommates. Then at around 7 he calls me again to ask me not to call him later because he already had plans with his new chick, but he wished that I had asked him out. Notice how this is not some high school story like the rest of them. This happened just last year, and I still can't figure out what the point of it all was.
I guess I've never really had a super exciting valentine's day either. I suppose the best gift I ever go
i don't really care about Hallmark...i mean Valentine's Day. I mean why not do something randomly to show the person you're with you care about them and appreciate them. Don't get my wrong I don't like...HATE it and i'm not gonna go into some rant about it's a commercial day made up by a greeting card company who happens to specialize in all the shit you buy during the day...cuz i mean...yeah it's cute...and a nice lil tradition...i respect traditions. But on the
I just roll w/ it cuz the it's a cute day for las chicas, so u def gotta handle the biz.
As a man I can tell you I don't really remember these days that much because it's not a penis's a vagina day. I'm usually out of town...or gettin a phone call w/ a AWWW THANK YOU!!...
fortunately the current boocita doesn't really give a shit (even though i do things anyway) so she appreciates whether i do shit or not...
i dunno...i think like sending flowers and candy cuz 'it's wednesday' is mo sexy...and the sexual favors i've received from such gifts allow me to agree w/ myself...
good job self...why than you self, i appreciate it (patting my back)
Let me say something about Disney World gifts. I got one once and it was definitely that gift that says "I'm not feeling you like that...AT ALL!" If you want to break a grown-woman's heart, bring her some shit from Disney World.
Dude's excuse for the Minne Mouse doll was that she was dressed in red for valentine's day. Like that makes a difference at all?!?! I could have dealt with it if she was wearing some fly jewelry or something. I thought that maybe the soccerball had a hidden compartment or something, but no. The doll was really the gift.
"why aren't fellas morally opposed to giving Best Buy their money?"
this is a great idea...let's propose a HDTV DAY!!!...OR better yet Electronic Gadget day....i'm down
any takers?
Okay, so now I need to add my funniest/worst:
One of the vendors I use just dropped off a plant for me with a nice little heart-shaped card. Only, they didn't think about the freeze that we're currently going my plant looks less than alive. Not dead exactly, but on a code blue and in need of a heat lamp!
That's your worst story? You must be the luckiest person alive...
aaaaahahaha...i hate those damn commercials too
"show her you love her something" ( etc)
lol...shit if that's the case why's everybody so mad at hookers and golddiggers...they get plenty of 'love'.... d.a that was funny...good shit
D.A. you've got me.. and Twiz is a pimp, so you got him too.
But for real, Disney World gifts suck they're no better than gifts from Paramount parks, Bush Gardens or the local zoo, they just have stronger branding. Take ME to the park- that's a gift.
I wish I could say that the gift doesn't matter, but I mean, it kinda does. supadupa is on point because I just came from CVS, and there were many men holding those cardboard chocolate boxes. I giggled because it's cliche as hell and I wondered what else they were getting.. but it's the thought that counts and as long as they're well behaved I'm sure they'll get some booty tonight. Most chicks are simply upset about the invisible gifts. Hallmark has made it very simple: buy card, chocolates, maybe flowers and get ass.. Why ya'll gotta make it harder than that?
And Nik was only is 6th grade, I'm sure he's big pimpin' these days...
You guys should move to Japan because the girls give gifts on Valentines day and boys mainly accept. It's kinda the reverse.. plus if you're lucky you may get to play JDG better known as Japanese Dooky Games (d.a. taught me about those)...
for the record...
i'm no PIMP
i prefer MANdigger
d.a. and twiz sound like good guys, so i'll get off my man-hating box for the next two hours. i'll jump back on though when those free cell phone minutes kick in and the guy i've been chillin with still hasn't called me. NO EXCUSES! and i swear to you, if i get a text message or an IM instead of a real live phone call...there will be shit to pay.
correction: d.a. told me about JDG. Never showed or taught me anything.
ur right supa...
i'm cute, cuddly and i nibble and do tricks...
but next thing you know...i'm pissin (you off) or just shittin' on you...
so yeah...i'll take the puppy dog ;-)
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