Militant Black Toast

By Any Means Necessary

Thursday, March 09, 2006

N-gger, N-gger, N-gger

You ALREADY KNOW what I want to talk about today... Well if it wasn't my favorite subject on TV last night, race and racism in America. Thank You, TV god! So, I know you saw or heard about Ice Cube's show "Black and White" on FX last night. Tons of sprayed on colors made a white family look like the smoothest cocoa-complexioned black people on earth, and a black family look like the most ethnic white people on earth. I thought the white daughter made the most believable transformation. Her complexion was nice.. she kinda looked Indian to me. I like that the black dad got a job in a bar as a white guy. That's going to be fertile ground for him to get his feelings hurt.

I thought the show was decent, I'll watch again. The radio personalities this morning said they didn't care for it. One guy thought it was too scripted and reminded him of Eddie Murphy's sketch where he's a white dude for a day. I think the black dad is very sensitive to racism, which is fine. But this show can set race relations back in the blink of an eye, simply because we're only dealing with 6 people and I think that we want to make them examples of an entire race. All black people aren't as sensitive or aware as Brian. So, I already see the danger in this show. I don't think it can be race for entertainment purposes alone, that's irresponsible.

The most amazing things I saw/heard last night:
1. In a focus group, one white guy said that he's been hard wired to wipe his hands after he touches a black person! Wow. Now, I've had a lot of convos about racism, but I've never heard this shit before. He was upset by it, but he was just saying that it's in him and he can't help it. Honestly, I respect that, I mean, I heard that black people still use leafs to wipe because it makes them feel closer to their ancestors... You don't know whats on those hands. Seriously though, I can sympathize with people who are programmed with some prejudices that they don't beleive in but can't forget. That's difficult.

2. Bruno the white father (who transforms to black) thinks that racism is all in eyes of the beholder. Classic. He's also a first-gen American which I think plays into his disbelief in racism and how much these silly words hurt whether you empower them or not. Bruno LOVES to drop the N-bomb. He just can't WAIT for someone to call him a n-gger. And if you watched when he went into a black focus group as a black man, he was the only person who used the n-bomb. He couldn't wait to wear black makeup so that he could say it, finally!! (that's what I think) And made up a stupid story that I think brought his true race into question. He claimed he'd been called out of his name several times by white people and didn't do shit about it. And worse than that, he said it didn't bother him a bit.

3. The black couple were almost repulsed by each other when they had on white makeup. The wife said something like, "I wouldn't be interested in a man who looks like you.. She barely wanted to kiss and was like "just a peck!" ... While the white couple was cleary turned on by their black makeup. They were glad to kiss and couldn't stop looking at each other. They talked about how good looking and beautiful the other was.

What did you think? My prediction is that these two husbands, (pictured above without makeup) are going to be scrapping by the end.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was super hype about this show when I first heard bout it...then USA Today gave it a horrible I was a little skeptical...but similar to atsuigrl race and racism in America is one of my favorite topics so anything on this topic would be average to me. After watchin the show I was def pleased it was a lot better than USAtoday made it seem. That damn comment by the white dude about wiping his hand was mind thats the biggest thing white folk seem to think there are no people like that anymore..that SHOULD hav put things in perspective for Bruno...if that dude can't shake my hand why would he offer me a job?? One thing about the show is they should've been together longer than 6 weeks and we need some baselines/controls. They either needed to go to all these places as their regular selves and then returned as their white selves to notice differences or both madeup blacks and whites should have went to the same places to notice differences. I feel like I can't say the black father got the job at the bar just because he was white, because I didn't see a black dude get turned down for it.
But overall I think the show is good and while it might have its plot holes/flaws...nothing on TV is tryin to tackle anything nearly this serious... so I am def lookin forward to upcoming shows

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're whole review was on point Atsui! It would be an amazing experience and opportunity to be a part of this experiment. It would also be very disheartening as everything you expect is validated throughout the process.

It was more than obvious that Bruno was just waiting for the chance to say the N-word without consequence. It was really not necessary for him to say it 8+ times in an hour's span. And yes I know that scenes were edited and compiled, but that means that he may have said it more than the 8 times that made it into the program.

The teenager from the white family is the only one who really seems to get it. She hasn't tried to change her manner of speech, the way she walks or the music she likes (afterall, she did go to a poetry slam and say her favorite group was the Cranberries. that's not even current). She understands that to run an accurate experiment there can only be one variable.

Now the black teenager...he seems totally clueless to me. He doesn't know what the point of being on the show is. That disturbs me. It tells me that growing up in Atlanta, his parents are not doing their job to teach him HISstory. I mean, you live in the have a wealth of history. Take a day trip to the MLK museum!

And at the bar...what was up with that patron that Brian was talking to? Brian goes up to him with a story that he and his wife just moved to town and wanted to know if it was a good neighborhood to settle down in. So the dude's response was, "This neighborhood doesn't have a lot of immigrants, and therefore crime is low. It's one of the last untouched bastions in the area". Que dices? (okay, loosely quote that, but he did hit all those points)

All in all, good show. I'll tune in again.

Now on UPN... did any of you see America's Next Top Model? That girl from TX (thank god she got cut), but she started out with..."I'm ultra republican, ultra conservative, strict baptist. I hate gays. I hate Muslims. I hate everything liberal". So already I'm like...I guess this is racism on tv night. I mean how are you going to go into the fashion industry and not be able to work with gays?

Then she goes to dinner with the girls and is talking to this black girl that used to work at Abercrombie. She tells her that she didn't know why she worked there, the clothes aren't for her, and she (being white) wouldn't try to get a job at FUBU.

WHAT THE? People just are coming out the mouth these days!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're whole review was on point Atsui! It would be an amazing experience and opportunity to be a part of this experiment. It would also be very disheartening as everything you expect is validated throughout the process.

It was more than obvious that Bruno was just waiting for the chance to say the N-word without consequence. It was really not necessary for him to say it 8+ times in an hour's span. And yes I know that scenes were edited and compiled, but that means that he may have said it more than the 8 times that made it into the program.

The teenager from the white family is the only one who really seems to get it. She hasn't tried to change her manner of speech, the way she walks or the music she likes (afterall, she did go to a poetry slam and say her favorite group was the Cranberries. that's not even current). She understands that to run an accurate experiment there can only be one variable.

Now the black teenager...he seems totally clueless to me. He doesn't know what the point of being on the show is. That disturbs me. It tells me that growing up in Atlanta, his parents are not doing their job to teach him HISstory. I mean, you live in the have a wealth of history. Take a day trip to the MLK museum!

And at the bar...what was up with that patron that Brian was talking to? Brian goes up to him with a story that he and his wife just moved to town and wanted to know if it was a good neighborhood to settle down in. So the dude's response was, "This neighborhood doesn't have a lot of immigrants, and therefore crime is low. It's one of the last untouched bastions in the area". Que dices? (okay, loosely quote that, but he did hit all those points)

All in all, good show. I'll tune in again.

Now on UPN... did any of you see America's Next Top Model? That girl from TX (thank god she got cut), but she started out with..."I'm ultra republican, ultra conservative, strict baptist. I hate gays. I hate Muslims. I hate everything liberal". So already I'm like...I guess this is racism on tv night. I mean how are you going to go into the fashion industry and not be able to work with gays?

Then she goes to dinner with the girls and is talking to this black girl that used to work at Abercrombie. She tells her that she didn't know why she worked there, the clothes aren't for her, and she (being white) wouldn't try to get a job at FUBU.

WHAT THE? People just are coming out the mouth these days!

Blogger Atsui_Gal said...

"Now on UPN... did any of you see America's Next Top Model?"

I watched Top Model, but missed this part. I did hear about this girl, I'm just wondering what the fuck she thinks the modeling world is like? It's a bunch of gay (see: Miss Jay), metro sexual (see: Jay Manuel), tranny looking individuals (see: Tyra) who take nude pictures, and let's not talk about the most popular (see: African )models who could be Muslim by default.
Interesting how some people can have everything all figured out and yet not know shit about shit..

Anonymous Anonymous said...

first off, sorry for the double post. server error

The girl on Top Model that I'm talking about, was in the first hour of Top Model. I missed the second hour because they replay Oprah at 9pm here, for the gainfully employed.

In keeping with the national television day of race relations, Oprah was talking to interracial couples. She focused mainly on black women with white men, because her guests were Sanaa Lathan and Simon Birch (who play the leads in "Something New").

I gotta tell you black men... it's getting really old, this whole "when we see a black woman with a white man, we feel that black women are turning their back on us." Really? I mean seriously...really?

Blogger Atsui_Gal said...

yeah, i'm super tired of the interracial dating beef. It's not new and it's not going away and the best part: It's totally optional.. do it, don't do it... do it once and never again. Boom.

But you know what I will say, is that I dislike lames who think that they MUST have one race or ethnicity that isn't their own... Some people are fixated on dating asian girls or ethiopians or whatever.. and it's like, people are fucking people. These folks are open minded enough to accept a person of another culture but still operating under wack stereotypes that everyone of that culture is X, Y and Z, therefore they only want to date that group. Wake up, people.
I see this in men more than anything, probably because women can't afford to be so choosey.


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