Being Bobby Brown

It Ain't Over. Being Bobby Brown has been extended for two more episodes. One tonight (8/18) at 10 p.m. on Bravo and the final one is next Thursday. Yippie Skippy! Tonight's show might be kinda wack, (OK, wacker than the others) since it's just supposed to be a look into their homes like MTV Cribs. But I feel that our cracked-out familia will come up with something for people to talk about. I just hope it doesn't get another season. That would be hard to watch. Being Bobby Brown is a hard job, you have a superstar wife who's always high and pops up wherever you are. Then you have kids you have to visit in like EVERY city, plus you have to raise a few at home. And now we add cameras! Bobby might be father of the year.
I think my favorite episode is the first one I ever saw. Bobby and the fam were in the "forest" and Whitney wanted to go out on the "yacht." I remember feeling concerned for their health, bewildered by their behavior and entertained all at the same time.
Here's what I was wondering last night: How cool it must have been in the late eighties to say "Bobby Brown is my baby's daddy, gurl" Bobby was the MAN. I wonder how his groupies feel now? It seems like you need to abuse a substance to believe that he's the king of r&b. But I wish him a successful comeback.
They're like the Adam's Family. Kooky and Spooky. And the best part of the show is seeing the reaction of the people around them. When they start singing and dancing.
I think Bobby Christina is the only person who can't see that there's something odd going on.
Last night was decent. They got into a political argument that made me cringe. It reaked of ignorance, but it was very real. Whitney said we live with Anthrax. And Bobby said that George Bush put him in jail. Bobby hates Dubya, probably b/c of the jail thing. But Whitney kind of defended him, maybe because she's sold more records.
I don't think I can see these two having sex. But when I try, cracked-out bunnies come to mind. Don't know why...
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