
Where I come from homecoming is an exciting time of year. The clubs clear out about two weekends before NC A&T's homecoming (similar to the way the tide recedes before a big wave) because everyone's saving money for new outfits, rental cars, hotel rooms.. stupid shit. It's kinda silly, but it's exciting nonetheless. I think the event has declined in recent years, either that or I'm just not into that shit anymore.
Anywho, all of this comes to mind because my own college homecoming is this weekend. Here's what I'm wondering:
1. Why is homecoming so non-eventful at white schools?
-This isn't me being racist, it's factual. I went to a black high school where homecoming meant a big football game that sold out before Friday, fish fries, pep rallies that people would sneak on campus to attend, a parade and crazy after parties- maybe even a performance. And the college ones are WAY more exciting. Think of how many rappers have dropped Howard's Homecoming in their rhymes. People who never even went to college travel for miles to party at HBCU homecomings.
2. Since homecoming is basically lame, is everyone who attends lame?
3. How many homecomings should one really attend?
- I think your first - fifth year homecoming is understandable, but you should definitely not attend every year. Then I think you should return every five years after that.
4. Is it better to be phony and speak to people you disliked in undergrad or keep it real, and risk being childish, by continuing to ignore and talk shit about people you don't like?
- I think you should follow your heart in this situation. I personally try to remember why I didn't like that person in the first place. Usually I can't recall, and when that's the case I just say hi. But, I don't ask how they've been because that's taking it too far. I like to ask "Where do you live now?" because I think that's interesting info to know. But I hate to answer that question-- another reason why I shouldn't attend homecoming.
5. Is there a specific mile radius that determines whether or not you should attend homecoming?
- I believe that there is. I think if you're within 100 miles of campus you should stay home. I mean, you obviously haven't gone anywhere, right, so how can you come home?
Overall, I think I love homecoming about as much as I loved undergrad. And perhaps that's true for everyone. But that doesn't explain the HBCU homecoming phenomenon.
- Atsui_gal
I have to agree that most high school's aren't worth returning to after two years, but mine is the exception. You'll find alumni from the 80s who still know the alma mata. And it's a school that generations go to and, unfortunately, never get far away from. It's common to see classes from the 70s at homecoming.. we even have an alumni band that used to be pretty dope. There are so many old heads at homecoming that you don't have to interact with the kids.
That's the whole thing. You hold on to the place that brings back the best memories. Also, traditionally- and maybe still today- many people from my high school didn't go to college. So, some people only have one homecoming.
Are you a Dudley HS grad?
I'VE even been to a Dudley homecoming game, and I went to high school in NY. They are the lil' Aggies. I believe the Blue Satin Dancers even came out to perform.
Yes, I'm a proud Dudley H.S. grad. We were the little Aggies replete with blue & gold sequined hoochie dancers. I think A&T hands down their band uniforms too. Things are changing at DHS I think we may be intergrated by 06 (as crazy as that sounds), so I'm not sure if things will be the same.
So I went to homecoming for a little while and had a fine time. There were grills at the tailgating joint and I had chicken and beer. That's close enough.
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