Deadly Gas

I paid $38 to fill up my Honda Accord. THIRTY EIGHT FUCKING DOLLARS. This is preposterous. Why in the FUCK is gas $2.70 at the CHEAP SPOTS? This absolutely makes no sense. Our country went and conducted a hostile takeover of a country with the largest untapped oil reserves in the world, and our gas is DAMN NEAR 3 dollars…shit it IS in some places. I am about to go buy a fucking donkey to ride to work on.
Dawg...I have seriously thought about holding up a gas station. NOT for the money, just put a gun to the attendants head and say $40 ON 5 BITCH! OR I'LL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT! There is NO REASON for this shit to be this high. Like, we can delve into car pooling, public transportation, yada yada...and yes I live in a city so all these are possible. But FUCK THAT.
And FUCK IRAQ. We need to pull those troops out and talk about these PMD'S, that's right, Bitches, PRICES OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Cuz this is destroying my disposable income. Get the fuck out of Iraq, and put them cats into positions to fuck up these OPEC bastards. And tell them straight up, pump more oil or lower the barrel prices, Bitches…or we'll DESTROY your castles ho's. We're talking 'bout all this damn terrorism and we've got Al Exxon over this bitch wreckin' havoc!!
Ok, I'm sorry. But I paid $38 for gas dawg, it ain't right. I'll stop now
By Twiz
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this post are not those of Militant Black Toast. But dude has a point.
It's interesting that you mention terrorism and gas prices (and so eloquently I might add.) Just yesterday I got a great article written by Fareed Zakaria and the thrust of it was that these high oil prices are actually giving countries that support terrorist more money to spread around.
In turn, our dependancy on oil is weaking our foreign policy ability. Someone correct me if they saw this same article. But Fareed made excellent points.. He says, "Saudi Arabia will probably have a budget surplus of more than $26 billion this year because the price of oil is so much higher than anticipated."
Sure do wish we had a budget surplus. I'm only going to buy half of the groceries I need today because I need may use like $50 in gas before the next pay period. Depending on how far I travel.
I saw this dude steal gas this weekend! He had this HUGE pick up and he was an older white guy. I was waiting to use the pump and I swear this man was pumping gas. He finally pulls off and I notice that the damn pump is "out of service." I don't know what that means, but he sure seemed to understand.
Let me try that ish.
$3.00 a gallon gas will probably be on lock by the end of this year. The shit of it is this, yes barrel prices are high, but a large part of oil's scarcity is due to a shortage in refineries. There are tankers full of the slick shit lined up right now in the Gulf of Mexico, but we've maxed out our capabilities to process it. And who owns and has the power to build refineries? Oil companies. And why don't they build more? Profit margins.
They're using the trend of rising oil prices to disguise their own self-implemented limiting factors. Fuck them for that!
Also, good timing on this topic. The New York Times has a front-page story today about Peak Oil. Peak oil is the point where we have officially drilled half of the world’s oil. This might not seem like a big deal, but the problem is the second half is a lot harder to abstract and it becomes even more of a commodity because it's in is in sight. Plus, it only took us about 100 years to go through the first half and now usage is higher than ever and shows no sign of slacking.
It's all some pretty scary shit, so I try not to think about it. I try to smoke some crack before I put $45 into my damn Jeep. It kills the pain. Also, why the hell do I own a Jeep? I'm smarter than that. (Lie)
In Twiz's defense, he did write Fuck.. many many times. I removed his u and c, and a few other colorful words.. and look at what's left!
I considered allowing only lower cased fucks... But then I didn't think people would follow my logic. So there.
I am ashamed that I allowed censorship to invade our community... that wasn't very militant, black or toasty of me. I'm returning the fucks.
fuck yeah!
On a more positive note...
A couple months back there was a contest to build the best hybrid car. An inner-city high school team won. They beat out MIT students, as well as actual Hybrids currently on the market from Honda and Toyota! These kids are going to be ill when they grow up.
...I do believe that children are our future. (but not Whitney's)
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