The freakin Girl Scouts of America

Okay, so I love some Girl Scout cookies (I bring this
up because my order just came in today)... but I must
point out that the Girl Scouts are the biggest child
laborers around. I mean, this is an INTERNATIONAL
organization with a sales force of 9-year-olds.
I didn't think about it when I was little, out hawking
my boxes for Brownie troop ..855 (i think that was my
troop ..). I had regular customers that looked for me
every year, and closed their doors in the faces of
other cute little pig-tailed tots trying to move-in on
my turf. It was all about competition, and those
bitches should have known to stay off my block. Who
would get that special badge for selling the most
cookies? Or, whose parents had the most generous
co-workers to purchase boxes at the office? It was
never me.
With inflation and all, it's really getting out of
control. Did you know that GS cookies are now
$3.50/box? That's outrageous! These kids don't even go
door-to-door anymore. I don't think it's right to
set-up shop outside of the grocery store. Hell, I just
paid $98 -$130 for groceries and now some cute kid
wants me to buy more cookies? That's not fair or
And they pay dues for this "priviledge".
Well I'm done! I'm not buying cookies from any rogue
Girl Scout shanties. If you don't know how to put the
three fingers up and recite the oath, I'm not buying
your cookies. You're not authentic and I won't have
any part in that scam. Think I'm playing? My little
girl scout recited the oath for me today upon
Think they're just kids, and I'm being harsh? Then why
is one of the main things on their web site: "Girl
Scouts Core Business Strategy". They hide behind that
.org, when they should be a that they can
make little girls hit the pavement. You're not right,
Girl Scouts of America. You're not right!
- Rant by Red State Hostage
I was never a girl scout, and I was always glad about it because selling shit was never cool at my house. We all had a bad history with school fundraisers and I'm the worst sales person. But I adore those somoa cookies. God Bless the girl scout who offers me somoas first. Those are the best cookies ever, but not better than the chocolate school boys or mint milanos.. But see I can have a chocolate school boy or mint milano any ole time.. Those girl scouts are marketing gurus.. sell tasty treats ONCE a year. GENIUS! Maybe there should be a season for everything? Especially addictive substances. Crack season?
But yeah, I would love to see how much money they make and how much the .org gets...
I rant as I eat my Carmel Delites with a tall glass of milk. ;-)
I have a theory that the most successful of these girls will someday go on to sell Pampered Chef, Creative Memories or some other Ponzi scheme later in life, also successfully no doubt, but they'll be pyramid peddlers nonetheless.
I came across this blog as a result of reading a post from atsui_gal on Glad I did.
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