Militant Black Toast

By Any Means Necessary

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Today I realized that I am in constant contact with a Narcissist. HELP!!! I read a description online and there's a person in my life who has EVERY single symptom. I wonder now if I'm in danger? I'm actually proud that I already try to avoid feeding the narcissist its "narcissist supply" which is adulation, adoration and attention. But sometimes, feeding it these things makes the time we spend interacting go smoother.
This is a silly disease when I think about it, because it seems like there's no help for these people. All we can do is give them their medicine (attention) which trust me, you quickly figure that out. Considering that the very nature of it requires that the person with the problem stay out of the loop it seems like a never-ending cycle. Here's the description in case you know one too...
The basic dynamic of this particular brand of co-morbidity goes like this:
1. The narcissist feels superior, unique, entitled and better than his fellow men. He thus tends to despise them, to hold them in contempt and to regard them as lowly and subservient beings.

2. The narcissist feels that his time is invaluable, his mission of  cosmic importance, his contributions to humanity priceless. He, therefore, demands total obedience and catering to his ever-changing needs. Any demands on his time and resources is deemed to be both humiliating and wasteful.

3. But the narcissist is dependent on input from other people for the performance of certain ego functions (such as the regulation of his sense of self worth). Without Narcissistic Supply (adulation, adoration, attention), the narcissist shrivels and withers and is dysphoric (=depressed).

4. The narcissist resents this dependence. He is furious at himself for his neediness and - in a typical narcissistic maneuver (called "alloplastic defence") - he blames others for his anger. He displaces his rage and its roots.

5. Many narcissists are paranoids. This means that they are afraid of people and of what people might do to them. Wouldn't you be scared and paranoid if your very life depended continually on the goodwill of others? The narcissist's very life depends on others providing him with Narcissistic Supply. He becomes suicidal if they stop doing so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it me? Does the fact that I even pose that question mean that I am a narcissist? Isn't everyone a narcissist in some form? It can't just be me!

Blogger Atsui_Gal said...

Yo,.. I was thinking the same thing. We can all be a little narcissistic at times, but if you have all of those symptoms then you're a full-blown crazy person. Trust me, it seems like a tiresome lifestyle. The narcissist I know (not you) doesn't have friends really.


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