Militant Black Toast

By Any Means Necessary

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Did you say 8th grade?

OK, you already know what we must discuss. Why did the Sparks son, Nick, take the center of attention on "Black & White" last night? The boy is 16 and has been kicked out of the 8th grade. That's nuts, but I thought this show was about race relations. Why did we watch so much footage of Brian and Nick walking around without makeup and playing.. wait for it.. miniature golf(!). And Nick being scolded by his parents for being stupid took up a portion of the show. The only thing that made that worthwhile was to hear Bruno's Heart of Darkness-esque observation...
I consider it a real privilege to be privy to
parental addressing of a situation via the black
voice. I especially liked when she said "negro"....

So your kids can just go out and waste money on dumb shit, Bruno? (Oh that's right, you don't have any kids.) This is like letting your child say "pissed" just so they feel more grown. OK, Bruno, you can say negro if you want. It's technically not a bad word. I don't know how white moms react to this, but I can't imagine many middle class parents being cool with their kids blowing $160 on something they don't need. I thought it was a great move by the Sparks fam to make him take that watch back, but I really, really don't care to watch that on TV and I don't think it was a black or white issue. I'm just not clear where the producers were going with that. Fuck that, I want to see Renee do something in makeup. We only have a few weeks here!

OK, and lastly, did anyone notice how Bruno didn't catch a single stare or cold shoulder at the country bar when he and Carmen went dancing, but was blown away by the negative energy he felt in that park in the black neighborhood with the drum circle? Both groups used the same nonverbal methods to express their dislike for the couple, yet it was too subtle for him to notice when white people in the bar did it. Like he always says, you see what you want to see. Also Bruno was chatting up the white people in the bar, and I didn't see him say anything to the brothers in the park. Maybe he would have felt less tension if he had said what's up to a couple people at least.. and that outfit didn't help either. Even if he had a sista with him, I think Bruno would have gotten a couple stares.

And I'll leave you with words from Chef's eulogy on "South Park" last night (borrowed from someone's report):

"A lot of us don't agree with the choices the Chef has made in the last few days," one of the children eulogizes him at a funeral. "Some of us feel hurt and confused that he seemed to turn his back on us. But we can't let the events of the past few weeks take away the memories of how Chef made us smile.

"We shouldn't be mad at Chef for leaving us," the eulogy concludes. "We should be mad at that fruity little club for scrambling his brains."

Give these guys an Emmy!


Blogger Atsui_Gal said...

One more thing.. Did anyone see Chef's death on "South Park"? I caught it last night. Not only did dude want to become a child molester/explorer, he had to burn, fall off a cliff and land on a stake that went through his chest, then get his face and limbs ripped off by a wild was foul yet very funny. The explorers looked at his body and said, "damn he would have made a great child molester."
Then the explorers put him in a darth vader suit and I guess he'll live on in that form.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The white mother (and sorry I don't know all their names and am too lazy to look it up) says the most ridiculous things.

On going to the black neighborhood yesterday, to what appeared to be a farmer's market-type set-up with various vendors...

"It was very tribal, with the drums and people collecting in small groups".

I got to a local farmer's market somewhat often, and it looked the same to me. There usually is some small group showcasing their musical talents on the stage and various vendors with tents and tables. I don't know if I'd call that tribal.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least she didn't interpret them to be gangsters like Bruno did.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Despite the fact that this boy only being in 8th grade is not a racial issue, it is clearly something that needed to be addressed. I don't think there is anyway possible that the producers could go to sleep at night if they announced that this boy with a nasty attitude only has an 8th grade education at the age of 16 in this day and age, and allow his parents to seem like they don't care. Personally, I think they may have missed the boat a few times and maybe the producers put them up to having a heart to heart. I just can't see them caring so much now, but not saying much to him in the past as he was failing two grades. This is not to say that maybe they have spoke to him off camera, but why did all this "information" seem new to him? How do you take your family out of their safety zone and move them onto reality TV without explainin the purpose of the show beforehand.

Moving on, Bruno is a damn fool and he keeps proving it. Is he basically saying that only black people see racism and it doesn't exist in the white world? Can he really not sit down and rationalize why poor people who do not have access to resources are angry? Did he really call the people in the park self-pitying and say that they should be squeezed out of the city? I'm sorry, I didn't see him talking to anyone, so how does he know they are self-pitying. Just because someone does not like you doesn't automatically make them self-pitying. And if you run them out of the city, where are they supposed to go? Does he think that poor people like living in poverty. Hello, if they had somewhere else to go, they would already be there!

Now Carmen, bless her soul, has lived a very sheltered I don't even know how many years of life. Why did she want to go back to the park by herself after experiencing the tension building. My mother taught me at a young age to leave immediately as soon as I feel like something is not right. Did she think they wouldn't recognize her?

Blogger Atsui_Gal said...

Yo.. last night was probably the best episode so far. But I've decided that I'm not feeling the black mom. She's too grumpy and doesn't see good in anything.


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