Militant Black Toast

By Any Means Necessary

Monday, March 06, 2006


Yeah, you heard it right. Here's the place to express your glee over these Southern rappers taking the Oscar home. First, Kanye is the rapper of the year, now this! Just playing, I'm not a big fan but I love Three Six Mafia for what they make happen in Southern clubs. The performance was great, the judging was ON POINT for ONCE!!! I think that some media types kept waiting for them to say or do something upsurd, but I felt that they had good behavior, you know considering.

Oh and YES, YES, YES Crash got the love it deserved last night. FUCK a Brokeback Cowboy. You heard it here first.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


...i believe don king said it best...
only in america


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all i was hype as hell to see Crash get some props. I hadn't heard it mentioned AT ALL in the pre-oscar hype..but some people had an oscar party...and like 5 gay guys were there and they were UPSET brokeback lost...Im like damn it won for best writing and directing u cant get them all. But 3-6. Like why would they change out of the tuxes to perform the song. Like its like the organizers of the night wanted this to look horrible. NO ONE THAT WHOLE night was in anything less than a blazer and 3-6 had on tuxes for the show...wouldnt that song have been more appropriate if they had done it unplugged or some kind of different twist...i mean its the oscars not the source awards...i want to see something out of the ordinary and brand new their performance overshadowed how well written a song that was...and while i was happy black folk could b on tv and be themselves and not give a fuck...another part of me was still like :-/

Blogger Atsui_Gal said...

yo, i feel what nik's saying. I didn't see dudes on the red carpet, so when they came up there I assumed they didn't wear tuxes at all.

But at the same time, I'm almost POSITIVE that those guys didn't feel like performing in tuxes. That's unheard of. And I bet they didn't expect them to win when they organized the show. They were the last performance of the night.. which I think was a ploy to keep people who never watch the Oscars watching. I like that they made the set look like the film..

Did Dolly Parton look like she was gonna fall over or what? Those tig ol bitties weigh more than her entire body.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the record, not everyone was wearing tuxes. The Pulitzer prize dude who won for the writing on Brokeback was definitely wearing some fucking jeans. When he stood up, I was thinking about how they were waiting for black folks to act up, but let his old white ass in with fucking blue jeans on. That's some real bullshit!! They would have never let 3-6 in with anything less than the black suits and if they tried, it would have been the highlight of the news. "Black folks win, but can't even afford to dress up."

Side note: How sexxy was Luda was with his tux on?!?!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nik, you're my boy but I can't agree with you on this one. The day Three 6 performs in tuxedos is the day that their sales start to plummet. Look at what happened to Ja for singing. What kind of credibility would these cats have if they were up on stage performing Weak Azz Bitch in tuxes?

People can say what they want but these dudes aren't dumb. They know exactly what got them to where they are and they are not about to jeopardize that for the sake of fitting in with the Oscar crowd.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The next day on Good Morning America, Charlie Gibson said to 3-6..."You ain't even expect to win, did you"?

Really Charlie? As someone that occassionally anchors the national news, did you feel it necessary to dumb down your speech so that they could understand you? Even 3-6 wasn't throwing out all the "naw means" that they may have on BET.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

George Clooney even got a shout out. Here it is if you missed it.


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