Militant Black Toast

By Any Means Necessary

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Straight to DVD

Now, I've noticed that technology has improved. It's a beautiful thing. We can burn our own DVDs and buy bootleg movies months before the real thing hits theaters. Awesome. But has anyone noticed how fast movies are leaving the theater and going to DVD? In a minute it'll be like Cherry Blossom viewing season: Opening week, second week, last week.

As I started seeing commercials for Oscar nominated films hitting DVD, like Last King of Scotland and The Pursuit of Happyness, I had been thinking, "damn, that was fast!" But just this week I saw that Tyler Perry's Daddy's Little Girls will be on DVD in July. It definitely opened on Feb. 14 because I went to see it. That's a five month turn around. There used to be a time when we had to wait a year to catch shit on VHS. And that's why I rushed to see it in the theater. Who wants to wait a year to see something really good? Now it seems that they're racing against Pay Per View and bootleggers to get the movies into stores as fast as possible.

I don't care all too much, but I'm just saying. It's funny how things have changed.


Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah I hear you. I've always suspected that the waiting period was just some arbitrary amount of time that the industry decided on to make people wait... a video-tease, if you will. "You'd better catch So-and-so in the theater or you'll have to wait till next year.."

It always seemed somewhat pointless to me because I don't think it effected box office sales one way or the other. People know whether they want to go to the movies to see a film or "wait till it's on video" before it even comes out. Maybe if the movie gets a lot of hype during that opening week more people will decide to go see it but that's just about it. I've rarely thought "Uh oh.. The Movie is about to leave the theaters. I'd better go see it now because I don't want to have to wait for video. If I'm ever thinking like that then I wasn't gung-ho enough about the flic to actually carry my ass to the theater (and pay like $9)in the first place.

Maybe somebody is thinking the same thing and deciding to go ahead and release hot movies to video while there is still some lingering hype.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea this is soooooooooo much better than how it worked in the "old days" i remember having to wait damn near 2 years for Gremlins 2 to come Im ALLL for these joints coming out early.

I mean now that we are in times when someone can have a 45+ inch plasma/lcd tv w/surround sound...i really dont give a damn whether I see it in the movies or not...not too big of a difference anymore

Blogger Atsui_Gal said...

i never really thought about it like that, but the home theater has really came up.

Blogger Tafari said...

Daddy's Little Girls should not be released. This is one movie I would not mind seeing released 2 years later.



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