Militant Black Toast

By Any Means Necessary

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Flavor of Love

Oh, how I love to hate on the "Flavor of Love." I'm equally sad and glad that it's over, this is truly a hard time for me. That's why it's taken so long for me to even bring it up. OK, and I didn't really catch the final episode until Saturday and then I only caught the end.

Couple of Questions:
1. Who thinks that the Flavor of Love probably tastes like a dirty gold chain you've had for years or hot breath with left over food smells?

2. Why does Flave have to tongue these poor girls down on national TV? I wince every time he slobs one of them.

3. Why did he kick the spitting Pumpkin off for chasing TV fame and keep model/video girl Nikki aka Hoopz? She actually has a booking agent and more Web sites than any of the chicks on the show. I'm not mad, I'm actually glad to know I'm right, because I thought she was loving up this man like her rent depended on it.

4. Why does Flave make his chicks wear those yucky grillz? They look so dumb, and I'm from the South so I can say that. Grillz look silly on 95 percent of the people who rock them, especially when they make that face you should only make when you're at the dentist.

5. Did New York sleep with Flave? I missed that if it happened.

6. Why is New York screaming on Flave on her silly My Space page, like we didn't see her dumb ass crying in the limo and telling her mama she was in love?
People always ask me the same things like "How can you love a man like that?", "What do you see in him?" or "You can do so much better!". Well, that is easy to say but in the beginning, I came in to the contest with an open heart and knew it was a great opportunity to get exposure and launch my acting career. As strange as this may sound, I liked Flave's funny, eccentric and quirky personality. He knew how to make me laugh and keep things fun(I can't lie and say I didn't mind the fact that he had money. ..a girl like me needs a sugar daddy to take her shopping! lol). Over time, there was a connection and I slowly grew to love him. In the end, I was very disappointed to see his true character revealed. I realized he was just like the other girls in the house. . .Tacky and very bad taste!
Bitch, please! Not only did I see right through that act, you got beat by a chick who didn't even act like she liked Flave. But once again, I'm right about the bad taste thing, I see.

7. Are we finally done with Flava Flave reality shows?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, lawd...another reason for me to love MySpace. you know i'm about to go search for her page and ask her:

-why do you talk with your eyes closed?
-how stupid do you feel that you gave up the ass and got booted the next day?

girl, you missed it. yes NY slept with him, and yes she kissed and told. she was all in hoopz face at the elimination, telling her how beautiful it was...right before she had to do the walk of shame.

Hoopz is pretty, but tattoos and evening dresses don't mix. (if you can talk about grillz cause you're from the south, then i can talk about tats).

Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, i just saw hoopz' blogger page. aside from diggin flave, i thought she had a good head on her soldiers. she always dressed like a homegyrl, not showing too much. she always looked down on the other girls for givint it up on national tv.

then i find out she's a video hofessional, and apparently really likes her ass...judging from all of the thong shots.

i was duped!

Blogger Atsui_Gal said...

exactly.. Hoopz is the one with a talent for acting. She played everyone.


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