Militant Black Toast

By Any Means Necessary

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I have nothing....

So... all is well here. Today is hot. I usually like hot, but I've had to walk outside a few times and my air conditioner is being fixed again, hopefully for the last time. The AC repair guy isn't wearing his red shirt today, in case you were wondering.

I'm watching 24-hour news on my lunch break. The big news today is Chris Benoit's toxicology results.... Why do we have to prove that this is roid rage? Can't he just be a crazy-ass murderer? Sadly, they discovered that his 7-year-old son was drugged with Xanax and sedated before he was killed. The whole family was on Xanax actually.

Also, the Senate is pulling an all-nighter. It seems that the Democrats are planning to talk the Republicans to death before they start filibustering on Wednesday to block the vote that could pull the troops out of Iraq. Of course, this is being labeled a stunt because there's no way they get enough votes to win. Maybe it's the cots. I have to go out on a limb and say it's a waste of time since the Republicans won't be listening anyway. I wonder how many people really change their minds based on what is said in Congress. It seems that they only make decisions for strategic reasons and most legislators have their minds made up before people even start talking.
This has to be the hardest work day that Senators will face all year. Overall, it is very exciting! I haven't seen anything this exciting since Clinton's impeachment trial. Now, THAT was political theater.

Then there's a story about where day laborers should wait for pick up trucks to scope them for work. I live near one of these pick up spots in D.C... It seems to make people angry... but it doesn't bother me. They're just sitting there, under the trees in the Home Depot parking lot. If I need help painting my accent wall, I can just scoop a day laborer up and buy a couple gallons of paint in the same parking lot. Sweet. One guy from DC was on MSNBC and he was saying that he doesn't like the solution that the city has proposed, which is to build a day labor center nearby and let people pick up laborers there. He's like, they call it multicultural, but everyone knows that they're after the illegal immigrants and non-English speaking workers... Well, duh, those are the cheap ones right? It's kinda sad because those who will work really hard for little money seem to steal jobs from lazy Americans who want to make at least minimum wage... And for some reason, that's supposed to be unfair. No, it is unfair. Everyone should make minimum wage.


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