Militant Black Toast

By Any Means Necessary

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Go away, Don

Today I would like to say that I'm officially tired of hearing about the Don Imus controversy. I don't really want to discuss his comments or the shock waves they sent through the community. Please let this nonsense die. Words are only as painful as you make them. On second thought, I don't mind continuing to talk about the low-life language on the airwaves and removing stripper music from the radio. Just leave Don out of it.

Also.. I need to know what's up with these ghetto prom emails. I saw another one today and I'm starting to just stop believing that these kids think they're going to the prom. I mean, the ghetto's idea of getting dressed up can't be that far off from the rest of society. I tried to get the name of the high school out of one of these pictures but this boy's hat was too big. Here's the thing, I think they're having a costume ball or maybe a homecoming event. But government cheese and powdered milk, which I've consumed, doesn't have the same effect as paint chips when you eat them. You can't tell me that living in the ghetto means you think stripper wear is formal wear. I want to call one of these schools and get to the bottom of it. I think that if allowed to tell their side of the story, they'd be glad to explain what we're looking at in these pictures. If you know these kids.. please step in and tell everyone the truth.

Craziest thing I've heard lately.. Eastern Michigan university lied and told the parents of a female student who was found dead in her dorm room that she died of natural causes after a freak accident. Then 10 weeks later they turn around and tell the parents and the campus that they had secretly conducted a criminal investigation and arrested a fellow student for the rape and murder of this same girl. I've heard of schools trying to protect their image, but this is extreme. How could they let a monster capabale of rape and murder roam their campus for months without alerting the student body?? How could they NOT tell the parents the truth?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ghetto prom pics, as embarrasing as they may be, are mostly real. I have family member who work for a public school system and they confirmed. I also happened to see some of these kids one day when I was going out somewhere. It took me a minute to figure out what the hell was going on but I eventually found a sign that said Blah High School Prom.

I think the disconnect is, they don't look at it as a formal occasion. They actually do look at the event as more of a costume thing. We really shouldn't be surprised though.. Black kid's have been trying to one-up everyone else at the prom for years. It was inevitable for it to go "too far" eventually.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way... people in the "ghetto" are the only ones actin up at the prom...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry. That didn't work.

Blogger Atsui_Gal said...

I still can't get to these photos, yalc, but i'd like to see other people behaving badly. Not that I care that these kids are black. Well, maybe I do a little. But I don't think that they act like this because they're black. It's more of a ignorance issue that I'd blame on their environment more than race.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah.. well the pic was one of a couple white kids going to their prom in there outfits made out of duct tape... I have to say, if it came down to a choice between pimp suits and stripper outfits or... tape, I'm gonna have to give the nod to the former.

I agree that it's an environment thing more than a race thing, but is there a difference when you're talking about public schools? Where I grew up there were basically black schools and white schools and I haven't seen a lot to lead me to believe that it's much different everywhere else.

I disagree with the "ignorance" part though. I think these kids know exactly how proms are "supposed" to be. It's the same as when, in high-school, I knew how I was "supposed" to wear my pants and how I was "supposed" to sit while driving my car. I think they choose to make their prom the event that they want it to be the same way I chose to sag my pants and put on a mean gangsta lean when I drove.

Blogger Atsui_Gal said...

I just think that they're ignorant to think that they look good or appropriate...
They look horrible to most people and should try to present themselves better. I know that their goal wasn't to become Internet jestures.

These costumes must be a cry for help. I need to go to a ghetto prom (I thought my h.s. prom qualified, but apparently not). I want to ask these kids WHY.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

this one takes it to a whole OTHER level. this couple took their a "mommy & me" matching dress.


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